come into focus

美 [kʌm ˈɪntə ˈfoʊkəs]英 [kʌm ˈɪntə ˈfəʊkəs]
  • 清晰起来
come into focuscome into focus
  1. There 's a new frontier in 3D printing that 's beginning to come into focus : food .


  2. The energy consumption of buildings has come into focus all over the world .


  3. All the sides of the question have come into focus now .


  4. This issue of terrorism has come into focus recently .


  5. The pictures will come into focus .


  6. With the development of the knowledge economic era , every country has come into focus to invest in human capital .


  7. As such , component interfaces and implementations come into focus when distinguishing granularity .


  8. With the rapid development of communication networks , many theoretical problems have come into focus , one of which is the reliability of the network .


  9. As the consequences of the choice come into focus for voters , tensions are bubbling .


  10. A modern-day proBlem unknown in earlier times . All the sides of the question have come into focus now .


  11. During the latest global financial crisis , the problem of systemic risk and rescue strategies for financial institutions have come into focus .


  12. Faced with too many problems in English teaching at present , how to improve the quality of English teaching effectively and efficiently has come into focus .


  13. The resultant spaces come into focus in a natural order emerging from air , wind and light , fostering a resonance between human and nature .


  14. With deepening of government reform and promotion of social-economic development , the relationship of government inter-department had gradually become the new problem and come into focus .


  15. As I swiped through photos , each took a little extra time to come into focus , like what sometimes happens on a digital camera .


  16. However , as the enterprise matures in asset management the assets in the long tail can come into focus , along with the governance processes for them .


  17. But maybe because Feng is too busy dealing with his ambition , the film never allows any of its four principal characters to really come into focus .


  18. The concept has come into focus recently as GM CEO Mary Barra deals with the fallout of a recall of millions of vehicles .


  19. Problems in Ireland have also come into focus with fresh concerns about its banking sector and market rumours of the European Central Bank intervening to buy Irish bonds .


  20. Well , like glasses , contact lenses work by bending light rays just the right amount to make the object come into focus on the retina at the back of the eye .


  21. I may not know exactly which bug will arise , but I know statistically that bugs happen , that requirements come into focus , and that estimates are just estimates .


  22. That which is irreducible to the self begins to come into focus e-e-e-e and a way of expressing this is to say e-e-e-e which is perhaps in some way or another a mask or a simulacrum of he-he-he-he .


  23. More important , cultural differences come into sharp focus when East meets West .


  24. The implementation details come into clearer focus .


  25. It has come into our focus to use renewable energy for energy - efficient in the architectural design .


  26. Those treasures come clearly into focus when you step back a little bit and take an objective look .


  27. But the ever-increasing supply of debt headed to market will come back into focus down the road .


  28. Accompany with economic globalization and the IT industry booming , IT outsourcing service enterprises gradually come into research focus .


  29. The damage to the Red Cross 's reputation has come into sharp focus since the Lushan earthquake hit on April 20 .


  30. Tubular solar collectors and freeze protection has come back into focus after significant failures of heat pipes in the colder parts of Europe during extreme winter conditions .
